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A copy of our current Curriculum Framework can be viewed by following the links below under the heading Our Curriculum. Children at the school access Little Wandle Letters and Sounds as part of our phonics teaching.

The School has made good use of the additional Sports Funding to increase engagement of pupils and provide a broader experience of a range of sports whilst increasing our pupil participation in competitive sports. A breakdown of how this has been achieved throughout the year can be viewed via the link.

Acceptable Use Policy

Admission Policy 22-23   Admission Policy 23-24 for information regarding the admission process-

Please complete our Admission Appeal form and return to the school should you wish to appeal a decision where your chils has not been awarded a place.

Places will be offered in April with an appeal deadline in May. Appeal timetable website

Anti Bullying Policy

Attendance Policy

Charging Policy


Collective Worship Policy 

                                     Collective Worship Long Term Plan 2021-22

                                     Collective Worship Long term Plan 2022-23

                                     Collective Worship Long Term Plan 2023-24


Please click on the links to access Faith at Home Resources Hope, Courage, Love, Humility, Patience, Resilience, Kindness, Generosity and Harvest.

Please follow the link to our support from the local Clergy Bible Bites   


Complaints Procedure

Data Protection Policy  GDPR Privacy Notice

Dealing with and handling Racist Incidents

E safety Policy 

In order to support parents at home links are also provided here for a factsheet and a leaflet about e-safety, a handout providing useful tips and a list of filtering links for mobile phones and games consoles

Equality and diversity policy

Homework Policy

Managing serial and unreasonable complaints

Marking and Feedback Policy

Parent code of conduct

Policy for use of photographs

Positive Behaviour Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Religious Education Policy  RE Planning

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy,  Specific Safeguarding Issues

For further information please visit the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Parnership website:

Security Policy

SEND Policy    Family Services Directory 

Spirituality Plan

Teaching and Learning Policy

Paper copies of all our school policies can be obtained from the office free of charge.



The Curriculum is currently undergoing a period of review. Our curriculum is based on the Chrisitan principle of Wisdom and intends to foster opportunities for children to learn about the World, one another and God. We strive to promote a curriculum which imparts knowledge, promotes the acquisition of a wider vocabluary and builds cultural capital. 

Curriculum framework

Whole school RE overview


My Mondays

30 things to do before you leave TSM

A copy of our current Curriculum Framework can be viewed by following the links above. Children at the school access Little Wandle Letters and Sounds as part of our phonics teaching and fully decodable books with the sequence of reading books being matched to reflect our chosen phonics programme.