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Welcome Back!

What a term we've had! After learning all about the Fens and Farming, we went design-crazy and used a range of tools to create our own Christmas decorations - after doing our own market research, of course! We wrote a page from an instructables book on how to make a circuit-based steady-hand toy - I still hear the sound of buzzers in the middle of the night...

Then it was onto the Space topic, traditionally a tricky one to go on field trips - so we brought the WonderDome to school instead! We learnt all about the Solar System, just in time to focus on the next topic: ourvery own Angry Planet...


Happy New Year!

After six weeks of summer holiday, I'm sure everyone, staff included, is raring to go as we start the new term, and I'm pleased to say the first few days have started well, with the new Owls fitting in seamlessly with the old. This term is all about Tydd, and is a Geography topic which focuses on mapwork and the delights of our village: we'll be looking to write a persuasive leaflet encouraging visitors to come and see the sights! 

There is a session on Tuesday 10th September for parents to come into the classroom at the end of the school day, to find out more about the routines and expectations in Owls Class, so please come along!