Angry Planet
In this topic we learnt about some natural disasters! We began looking at volcanoes and how they are formed. Everyone remembered their knowledge about the tectonic plates! During the 4 weeks we managed to learn and remember lots of technical vocabulary and used this in our newspaper article. When we had looked at the natural disasters we then considered how these can impact the natural world and living things.
In our space topic we looked at the planets in our solar system. During our written work we learnt about many facts about the universe and developed our vocabulary. Everyone designed their own planet and told a story where our character explored this new exciting place. In our science lessons we discovered how we hear through vibrations and enjoyed our session afternoon with Mr Spelman. We also investigated a light source (torch) and made shadows.
During this topic, we learn about where our food comes from. We used the internet to calculate the food miles, some of our food travelled hundreds and thousands of miles before we ate it! In our science sessions we developed our knowledge of how plants grow. We focussed on the importance of the flower in the plant life cycle.
Our topic Tydd allowed us to fin out what life was life in Victorian times. We learnt that Octavia was a famous Victorian born in Wisbech. She helped developed social housing and believed everyone should have a clean and safe home. Everyone enjoyed their visit to Octavia Hill House, our biographies were very impressive to read!
Welcome Back!
We have had a great first few days back and everyone has settled in well.
Information about class routines will filter through the week. Planners are a great form of communication so please check them for letters and notes. You can also write notes in the planner for myself (Mrs Burton) or any other adults in school.
PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday is indoor PE, where children need blue shorts and a white t-shirt. Thursday is outdoor PE, where children may require a warmer layer as the weather cools down along with some trainers.
Our first topic is 'Tydd', we will be learning about our local area in Victorian times. In particular we will learn about Octavia Hill - a famous person who once lived in Wisbech. We are hoping to make a visit to Octavia Hill House in the first couple of weeks.
Don't forget to attend the 'Meet the Teacher' event on Monday 9th September where you can find out about the year ahead and learn about new classroom routines and expectations.
We are all looking forward to the new year!