Engaging parents is an important part of the school's work. Pupils in KS2 have a planner to aid communication with parents, in KS1 we adopt a home/school book and parents of pupils in EYFS are kept up to date with current events in their child's schooling via Tapestry- a computer based system.
Each term we invite parents in to work alongside their child for the last 20 minutes of one day a week on their curriculum targets. In the Autumn Term we focus on Reading, Spring Term Maths and in the Summer Term Writing. The current timetable for Parents in Class is
Tuesday- Kingfishers 3:00- 3:20
Wednesday- Owls 3:00- 3:20
Thursday- Robins 3:00- 3:20
Current priorities for the school in its drive to provide the best education possible for all children are
Phonics and Reading
Assessment practices for the wider curriculum
Our programme of intervention
Pastoral Care
- The schools's service within the wider community
At each parents evening we ask parents to complete a questionnaire like that contained on Parentview www.parentview.ofsted.gov.uk This helps us identify what it is we are doing well and areas in which need further development. Thank you to the overwhelming number of parents who responded to our latest questionnaire distributed at Parents Evening.
Information regarding the school's spending of the Sports Funding and Pupil Premium can be found in the drop down box for Parents.