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Visions, Values and Aims

                                                        Each has its place. Each valuable and valued.


We can all flourish and 'have life and have it to the full', as we travel together with God on our voyage of discovery and opportunity.

Through shared aspirations we seek 'to give hope and a future', inspiring all to be the best that they can be and fulfil their potential; striving for excellence.

We foster a caring environment, promoting dignity, consideration and appreciation of others, letting all that we do 'be done in love'.


As an inclusive church school we take pride in developing the spiritual and moral education of children based on basic Christian principles. Parents are a vital part of our school family as is the community we serve. They are encouraged to play an active part in the life of the school.

We aim to:

  • Create a happy and secure community in which everyone feels valued and respected, with equal opportunities for all.

  • Promote positively the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of all children, always with a sense of pride, purpose and self motivation. Enabling them to find their voice and recognise themselves as Agents of Change.

  • Help children develop lively, enquiring minds by providing an imaginative, inspiring curriculum so that they can flourish.

  • Establish an effective and constructive partnership between home, school and the wider community (local, national and global).

  • Develop an understanding of our Christian foundation.                                          

Our Values

•Friendship- ‘ Therefore encourage one another and build one another up’ 1 Thessalonians 5:11

•Thankfulness- ‘This is the day the Lord has made. We wil rejoice and be glad in it’ Psalm 118:24

•Respect- ‘Show proper respect to everyone’ 1 Peter 2:7

•Responsibility- For God gave us a spirit of power and love and self control’ 2 Timothy 1:17

•Honesty- ‘Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth’ 1 John 3:18

•Perseverance- Let us not become weary in doing good’ Galatians 6:9


                                                  Love overarches all that we do

                                            'Live a life full of love, just as Christ loved us' Ephesians 5:2


'All members of the school community have a shared vision for the school which impacts strongly on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of pupils.'

 'Christian values are embedded in every aspect of school life, resulting in a strength and quality of relationships which enable all to flourish.' Section 48 Inspection March 2016

'The school has the highest expectations for all. It has created an environment where everyone gets the support they need to thrive. Every pupil is known as an individual.' 

Parents and carers praise the education and care their children receive. A typical comment was: ‘The school has high expectations of each child. There is a friendly and supportive culture in which all children are valued, recognised and encouraged.’ Ofsted 2023 


Collective Worship

Collective Worship Policy 

                                      Collective Worship Long Term Plan 2021-22

                                      Collective Worship Long term Plan 2022-23

                                      Collective Worship Long Term Plan 2023-24

                                      Collective worship long term plan 2024-25

Please click on the links to access Faith at Home Resources HopeCourageLoveHumilityPatienceResilienceKindnessGenerosity and Harvest.

Please follow the link to our support from the local Clergy Bible Bites  


Religious education

Religious Education Policy  RE Planning


Spiritual Development

Spirituality Plan


Church links

As part of our commitment to a Diocesan project focusing on 'Growing Faith' and 'A time to change together', the school is already engaged in an integenerational reading project- Feed and Read- hosts Messy Church in the school every month, and runs the Harvest Festival, Christingle and Mothers Day family service annually. This year we are exploring additional ways to further enhance links in partnership with our Diocesan Youth and Children's Worker.

Community and charitable links

Our School Council and Young Leaders select the charities we support annually recognising that they can 'be the change the wish to see.' Last year they raised a staggering £6444 for the British Heart Foundation, following Mr Ely's heart attack and were invited back to Royal Papworth Hospital to see for themselves how their money was being spent. They also met with the Parish Council and agreed to raise funds to have the village zipwire reinstated following their research and campaign which over 200 people supported. Each class has placed a planter around our village which they take care of and our Monday Mile provides us with a weekly opportunity to contribute to our pledge to take care of our local environment.


Equality and diversity policy

Positive Behaviour Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

My Mondays

30 things to do before you leave TSM